No. F.1-6t2012(PS)
The Registrar
All Universitiesa nd Institutionsd eemedt o be Universities
(excludingA griculturalE, ngineeringa nd MedicalU niversities)
Dated: 7th June 2013
Sub: Granto f study leavet o Universitya nd Colleget eachers- revisiono f
Guidelinesfo r determinationo f admissibilityo f paya nd allowances
I amd irectedto invitey oura ttentiotno thiso fficele ttern o.F .1-72l8 9(CPPd) atedS th
August,1 991c ontaininUg GCg uidelinews ithr egardto determinatioonf admissibiliotyf pay
anda llowanceisn respecot f Universitayn dC ollegete achers.
2. UniversityG rantsC ommissioni,n its meetingh eld on 10151201h3a, s approved
revisiono f the above-mentionexdt antg uidelineasn d hasl aidd ownt he revisedg uidelines
for determininagd missibiliotyf paya nda llowancefso rt he purposeo f grantings tudyl eavet o
a teacherw ho is expectedto receives cholarshi/p f ellowshipo r any otherk indo f financial
assistancea,s annexedto this communicatioinn, supersessioonf any otherg uidelineisn
this regard.
3. Theseg uidelinews illc omei ntof orcew ithi mmediateef fect.
4. These Guidelinesm ay also be broughtt o the noticeo f all affiliated/constituent
Collegeusn dery ourju risdiction.
Yours faithfully,
Encl: a a
The scheme of Study Leave provides an opportunity to avail of scholarships /
fellowships awarded to the faculty who wish to acquire new knowledge and to improve
analytical skills. When a teacher is awarded a scholarship or stipend (by whatever
nomenclatureu sed)f or pursuingf urthers tudiesl eadingt o Ph. D / Post doctoralq ualification
or for undertakingr esearchp rojecti n a highere ducationi nstitutiona broad,t he amount of
the scholarshipf/e llowships hall not be linkedt o the recipient'sp ay / salaryp aid to her / him
by his / her parent institutionT. he awardees hall be paid salaryf or the entire durationo f
fellowshipis cholarship,p rovidedo f course s/he does not take up any other remunerative
jobs liket eachingi,n the hostc ountry.
2. A teacher on Study Leave shall not take up, during the period of that leave, any regular
or parttime appointmentu nder an organisationin India or abroad.S /he may howeverb e
allowedt o accepta fellowshipo r a researchs cholarshipo r an ad hoc teachinga nd research
assignmenwt ith honorariumo r any otherf orm of assistanceo, thert han regulare mployment
in an institutione ither in lndia or abroad,p rovidedt hat the ExecutiveC ouncil/ Syndicateo f
his / her parent institutionm ay, if it so desires,s anctions tudy leave on reducedp ay and
allowancesto the extent of any receipti n this regard,i n lieu of teachinge tc., which may be
determinedb y his/ her employer.
3. Study leave may be granted to entry-level appointees as Assistant professor /
Assistant Librarian/AssistanDt irector of Physical Educationa nd Sports/CollegeD PE&S
(othert han an AssociateP rofessoro r Professoro f a University/College/lnstitutiownh,o is
otherwisee ligiblef or sabbaticale ave)a ftera minimumo f threey ears of continuouss ervice,
to pursue a special line of study or research directly related to his / her work in the
University/College/lnstitutoiorn to make a specials tudy of the variousa spectso f university
organizationa nd methodso f educationg ivingf ull plano f work.
4. Study Leave shall be granted by the Executive Council/Syndicate on the
recommendationo f the Head of the Departmenct oncerned.T he leave shall not be granted
for more than three years in one spell, save in very exceptional cases, in which the
ExecutiveC ouncil/Syndicateis satisfiedt hat such extensioni s unavoidableo n academic
groundsa nd necessaryi n the interesto f the University/College/lnstitution.
5. Study leave shall not be granted to a teacher who is due to retire within five years of
the date on which s/he is expected to return to duty after the expiry of study leave.
6. Study leave may be granted not more than
undern o circumstancessh, allt he maximump eriod
entires ervicee xceedfi vey ears.
twice during one's career. However,
of studyl eavea dmissibled uringt he
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7' Studyl eavem ay be grantedm oret han oncep rovidedth at not less than five years
havee lapseda ftert het eacher eturnedto dutyo n completioonf earlier spello f studyl eave. For subsequenstp ello f studyl eave,t he teachers halli ndicateth e work period doned uringt he of earlierle avea s alsog ived etailso f workt o be doned uringt he proposed study spello f leave.
8' No teacherw ho has beeng ranteds tudyl eaves hallb e permitted to alter substantially
the courseo f studyo r the programmeo f researchw ithoutt he permission of the Executive council/Syndicatlen' t he evento f the courseo f studyf allss horto f study leave sanctioned,
the teachesr hallr esumed utyo n the conclusioonf the courseo f study unlesst he previous
approvaol f the ExecutivCe ounciliSyndicatote tr eatt he periodo f short-fall as Extra-Ordinary
leave has been obtained.
9' subjectt o the maximump eriodo f absencefr om dutyo n leave years, not exceedingth ree studyl eavem ayb e combinedw ith earnedle ave,h alf-pay-leaveex, tra-ordinary of vacationp rovided leave thatt he earnedl eavea t the credito f the teachers hallb e availedo f the discretion at of the teacher'w hen studyl eavei s takeni n continuatioonf vacation, periodo f study the leaves hall be deemedt o begint o run on the expiryo f the vacation. teacherw, ho A is selectedto a higherp ostd urings tudyl eave,s hallb e placedin thatp osition
ands halgl ett heh ighesr caleo nlya fterjo iningth ep ost.
10' Thep eriodo f studyl eaves hallc ounta s servicefo rt he purposes (pension of retiremenbte nefits / contributoryp rovident fund), provided that the teacher rejoins the University/college/lnstituotnio thne e xpiryo f his/hesr tudyl eave,a nd servef ort he periodfo r which the Bond has been executed.
11' study leaveg rantedt o a teachers hallb e deemedt o be cancelled availed in case it is not of within1 2 monthso f its sanctionp, rovidedth at wheres tudyl eaveg ranted beens o canceiled, has thet eacherm aya pprya gainf or suchr eave.
12' A teachera vailingh ersel/f himselof f studyl eave,s hall undertakteh ats /hes hall servet he University/college/lnstitufotiro an continuoupse riodo f at leastt hreey earst o be calculatefdro mt hed ateo f his/herre sumingd utyo n expiiyo f the study leave.
13. A teachera)
whoi s unableto completeh is/ hers tudiesw ithint he period him of studyl eaveg rantedto / her, or
b) whof ailst o rejoint he serviceo f the Universitoyn the expiryo f his/ hers tudyl eave, or
the pre:sHcrji?be::dp: ^erTio:d,o: :fl sle::r:vlilcie: a fterr eyjo?inlyinegth rse bisteuyr tvr iecea,v eths es ervicwei thoucto mpretins or
whow ithint he saidp eriodis dismisseodr removedfr om thes erviceb y the University
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shallb e liablet o refundt o the University/College/lnstituthtieo anm, ounto f leaves alarya nd
allowanceasn d othere xpensesi,n curredo n the teachero r paidt o him/hero r on his/her
behalifn connectiown itht hec ourseo f study.
lf a teachear sksf or extensiono f studyl eavea ndi s notg rantedth e extension but does not
rejoind utyo n the expiryo f the leaveo riginallsya nctioneds,/ hes hallb e deemed to have
failedt o rejoint he serviceo n the expiryo f her/hisle avef or the purposeo f recovery of dues
undetrh eseg uidelines.
Notwithstanditnhge abovet,h e ExecutivCe ounciliSyndicamtea yo rdert hatn othingin guidelines these shalla pplyt o a teachewr ho,w ithint hreey earso f returnt o dutyf roms tudyl eave
is permittedto retiref rom serviceo n medicagl roundsp, rovidedfu rthert hat the Executive
Council/Syndicamtea y,i n any othere xceptionacla se,w aiveo r reducef,o r reasons to be recordedth, ea mounrt efundablbey a teacheru ndert heseg uidelines.
14' Aftert he leaveh asb eens anctionedth, et eachesr hall,b eforea vailingh imself / herself
of the leave,e xecutea bondi n favouro f the University/College/lnstitubtiinodni,n g himself/
herselffo rt hed uef ulfilmenot f thec onditionlsa idd owni n para1 1a bovea ndg ive securityo f
immovablper opertyto the satisfactioonf the Financeo fficer/Treasuroerr a fidelity bondo f an Insurancec ompanyo r a guaranteeb y a scheduledb ank or furnishs ecurity permanent of two teachers for the amount which might become refundable to the
university/college/lnstituinti oancc ordancwei th para1 1a bove.
15' The teachero n studyl eaves halls ubmitt o the Registrar/principoaf l his/her parent
University/College/lnstitsuitxio-mn onthlrye portso f progressin his/h ers tudiesfr om his / her
supervisoorr the Heado f the institutionT.h isr eports hallr eacht he Registrar/principal within
onem ontho f the expiryo f everys ix monthso f the studyl eave.l f the reportd oes not reach
the Registrar/Principwailt hin the specifiedti me, the paymento f leave salary may be deferredti llt he receipot f suchr eport.
16' Thet eacheor n studyl eaves halls ubmiat comprehensirveep orot n thec ompletioonf the studyl eave period.A copy of the researchd ocumentm/ onograph/academic produced paper duringth ep eriodo f studyl eaves hallb e puti n thep ublicd omainp, referably website on the of the University/College/lnstitution.
17' with a viewt o enhancinkgn owledgaen ds killso f facultym embers, especialljyu nior
facultya, t the ranko f AssistanPt rofessotrh, e Headso f Universities/colleges/lnstitutions theirs ubordinate and Departmentasr e enjoinedto be generousin the awardo f study the interest leavei n of faculty improvement,t hereby impacting academic standards UniversitiesiColleges/lnstitutions of in the long run
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