Guidelines for selection of Affiliated College Teachers for State awards in the Specified Subjects
1. As per the G.O. Ms.No.491, Dated: 06-07-2001, there are 35 awards for Affiliated College teachers in the State.
2. Out of the 35 awards, 23 awards are allocated to 23 teachers one from each district and the remaining 12 awards are earmarked for 12 teachers selected from all over the state one from each subject/group of subjects as mentioned below.
i. English
ii. Second language subjects (Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, Modern Languages etc.,)
iii. Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
iv. Physics, Electronics and Geology
v. Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry
vi. Botany and Micro-Biology
vii. Zoology and Bio-Technology
viii. Commerce
ix. Political Science and Public Administration
x. History and Geography
xi. Economics
xii. Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology
3. Process for Selection of teachers for subject wise awards
i. The existing procedure and the guidelines for the selection process, which have already been communicated, are applicable to the selection of teachers for the subject wise awards.
ii. The Proposals for State Award for Affiliated College Teachers in the Subject concerned shall be submitted in the Annexure-I already communicated along with the copies of the evidences to the Principal.
iii. The Principal of a College shall constitute a college-level committee to scrutinize the proposals and finalise selection of teachers one from each subject. The list along with the proposals shall be submitted to ID College Principal.
iv. The ID College Principal shall constitute a district-level committee to scrutinize the proposals received from colleges and finalise selection of teachers one from each subject from the district. The list along with the proposals shall be submitted to RJDCE of the respective Zone.
v. The RJDCE shall constitute a Zonal-level committee to scrutinize the proposals received from ID colleges and finalise selection of teachers one from each subject from the Zone. The list along with the proposals shall be submitted to CCE.
vi. The number of proposals finalized at each level of screening process shall be one in each subject/group of subjects and not more than a total of 12 proposals.
vii. The Proposal by a college Principal is not considered for the award.
viii. The schedule of the selection process of State teacher awards - 2013 in
respect of subject wise teacher awards is given below.
S.No. Committee
Last Date for
the completion
of process
College level Committee by the
20th July 2013
District level Committee by ID
College Principal
25th July 2013
Zonal level Committee by
31st July 2013
University Subject Expert
Committee at CCE
First week of
August 2013
ix. The schedule of the selection process of State teacher awards - 2013 in
respect of 23 awards one from each district remains same as
communicated earlier.
Academic Guidance Officer
1. As per the G.O. Ms.No.491, Dated: 06-07-2001, there are 35 awards for Affiliated College teachers in the State.
2. Out of the 35 awards, 23 awards are allocated to 23 teachers one from each district and the remaining 12 awards are earmarked for 12 teachers selected from all over the state one from each subject/group of subjects as mentioned below.
i. English
ii. Second language subjects (Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, Modern Languages etc.,)
iii. Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
iv. Physics, Electronics and Geology
v. Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry
vi. Botany and Micro-Biology
vii. Zoology and Bio-Technology
viii. Commerce
ix. Political Science and Public Administration
x. History and Geography
xi. Economics
xii. Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology
3. Process for Selection of teachers for subject wise awards
i. The existing procedure and the guidelines for the selection process, which have already been communicated, are applicable to the selection of teachers for the subject wise awards.
ii. The Proposals for State Award for Affiliated College Teachers in the Subject concerned shall be submitted in the Annexure-I already communicated along with the copies of the evidences to the Principal.
iii. The Principal of a College shall constitute a college-level committee to scrutinize the proposals and finalise selection of teachers one from each subject. The list along with the proposals shall be submitted to ID College Principal.
iv. The ID College Principal shall constitute a district-level committee to scrutinize the proposals received from colleges and finalise selection of teachers one from each subject from the district. The list along with the proposals shall be submitted to RJDCE of the respective Zone.
v. The RJDCE shall constitute a Zonal-level committee to scrutinize the proposals received from ID colleges and finalise selection of teachers one from each subject from the Zone. The list along with the proposals shall be submitted to CCE.
vi. The number of proposals finalized at each level of screening process shall be one in each subject/group of subjects and not more than a total of 12 proposals.
vii. The Proposal by a college Principal is not considered for the award.
viii. The schedule of the selection process of State teacher awards - 2013 in
respect of subject wise teacher awards is given below.
S.No. Committee
Last Date for
the completion
of process
College level Committee by the
20th July 2013
District level Committee by ID
College Principal
25th July 2013
Zonal level Committee by
31st July 2013
University Subject Expert
Committee at CCE
First week of
August 2013
ix. The schedule of the selection process of State teacher awards - 2013 in
respect of 23 awards one from each district remains same as
communicated earlier.
Academic Guidance Officer