17 August 2014

Election Rules of T-GCGTA

How T.G.C.G.T.A. Elections are conducted

TGCGTA issued election notification for 2014-2016. According to it elections are conducted.


All the primary members of unit body will elect unit executive. The unit executive or office bearers are as follows

Unit Members                                            Posts to be elected
1-10                               Unit president, Unit secretary
1-20                               Unit president, Unit secretary, Treasurer ( Woman)
1-30                               Unit president, Unit secretary, Treasurer (w), Vice president
1-40                               Unit president, Unit secretary Treasurer (w) , Vice president,
State councilor 1

If there is no women members or not interested men may be elected.

Unit elections are direct elections. Primary members directly elect unit executive or office bearers.

2)     District Executive :

Elected body of district council will be called District executive. District elections are indirect elections. Only elected office bearers of units will participate, contest and elect district executive or district office bearers.

           Any lecturer or primary member may contest for district  body posts but he must be proposed and seconded by office bearer.

District members                          posts to be elected
1-20                               president, secretary
1-40                               president, secretary, treasurer (w)
1-60                               president, secretary, treasurer(w), vice president
1-80                               Above post and State council members for every 20 primary members

State Executive

State executive consists of Elected office bearers of General council. General council consists of the following
1.)  All the executive members of the units/colleges  in the state
2.)  All the executive members of the districts in the state

1)    one president
2)    one associate president
3)    three vice presidents
4)    one general secretary
5)    seven zonal secretaries
6)    four executive members
7)    one finance secretary
8)    one chairman
 Any primary member may contest for state level post but he must be proposed and seconded by office bearer.


14 August 2014

Transfers -how interested ?

During the june 1,2013- june 1, 2014 Higher education department issued 131 G.O . Out of which 100 GO s information is available from GOIR website.

out of 100 - 46 GO are related to Transfers.

To issue one FITMENT GO it is taking 4 years . so many transfer GO are issued in one year.

see the list


thank you
s.narendar reddy


Telangana special increment GO 23

Telangana special increment go 

GO NO.23. Click below link to download


Thank u


8 August 2014



S.Narendar Reddy
District Secretary
Cell : 9440383277
Is Rs.18,95,627-00 expenditure

needed to run GCGTA, AP union for

4 year from 2010-2014.

Dear friends ,

          I wish to inform you that GCGTA, spent Rs.18,95,627-00 to run it from 11/4/2010 to 31/01/2014. Is such expenditure affordable to union, is it legal, is it authorized by GCGTA constitution.
          It is the duty of primary member to pay union subscription. From which union expenditure is met. With this subscription union recognizes primary members. But it is also duty of primary members to see how their money is spent.
          Our union since long time running in deficit. Even central govt who has power to tax citizens passed financial responsibility act. But was not known to our union. From 2010-2014 amount collected in the form of membership fee and voluntary contributions or donations Rs.10,42,425-00. But union spent Rs.18,95,627-00 for the same period leading to deficit of Rs.8,53,202-00.

          Out of deficit Rs.8,53,202-00 rupees 3,62,960 are paid back rupees 4,90,242-00 till due. It has to be paid by GCGTA, AP and Telangana.

see the income and expenditure statements of GCGTA, AP

I wish to explain each head of account out of Rs.18,95,627-00

1.     AIFUCTO Expenditure Rs.2,01,348-00

AIFUCTO meeting 88748-00 , affiliation fee 81000-00 , advertisement rs.15000-00, state office bearers expenditure 10,000-00 Ap bhavan charges 6600-00
          I do not what benefit derived from AIFUCTO expenditure. It did not solve our single problem. AIFUCTO membership fee paid for 3350 members. But total GCGTA members who paid membership fee during 2010-2014 is 2329. This means 1021 members did not pay GCGTA membership fee but their affiliation fee also paid. Our total degree college lecturers strength may not be 3000.

2.Union office expenditure  Rs. 5,05,400-00
This includes union office mainatanance 32400-00 , office boy salary 270000, office maintancne and organizational expenditure 203000. office boy salary in recent times monthly 8000-00 equal to general secretary conveyance rs.10,000-00

          Many lecturers openly criticized that union office is always closed.  What constitutes office maintance and organizational expenditure not known to me.

3.General secretary conveyance and phone bill Rs.5,38,000-00

This includes general secretary conveyance and phone bill. He is paid Rs.10,000 conveyance.

4. Tours by state office bearers Rs.99,400-00

          This includes visits by state office bearers to different parts of the state. Union could control this to reduce deficit.

5. T.A. to state office bearers RS.60,000-00
6. Postage and Booklet Rs.53,354-00
7. Executive committee and various committee meeting Rs.79500-00
8. DTP, XEROX, Stationary, printing Rs.2,35,625-00
So much is spent on DTP, Xerox etc but no primary member knows what APSCHE formula, what adhar sinha formula.
9. Advance to president Rs.66000-00
10. web design and maitanance RS.40,000-00
11. Press meet Rs.11,000-00

Union expended nearly Rs.19,00,000-00 in four years. But nothing significant is achieved. Fitment, one time opportunity problems are not solved. Only pay band IV related minor section of union is achieved.

Whether the expenditure approved :
From the known information it is approved by state executive consists of state office bearers, district secretaries, four members elected by General council.

What is Violated :

1.     According to GCGTA constitution General council consists of all the executive members of the units / colleges in the state and all executive members of districts in the state shall approve the annual budget.
2.     In the last four years no budget copies available. Only income and expenditure statements available. State executive have no right to approve the expenditure. State executive sanction expenditure incurred by office bearers over and above budget provisions.
3.     Audit by Qualified Auditor :
According to GCGTA Constitution accounts needs to be audited by qualified auditor. I.e. Charted accountant. Income and expenditure audited by lecturer of commerce instead of Charted Accountant.
