1 January 2015







27 December 2014

Fitment - Fitment -Fitment

From trusted source information FITMENT  - Adhar Sinha Fitment - formula was accepted Chief minister of Telangana today

24 December 2014

Designation change GO of Telangana

TGCGTA achieved remarkable victory by getting designation change from lecturers to Assistant professors

this is the first victory achieved by DR.NVN Chary and team.

Congratulation to all for this achievement.

COLLEGIATE EDUCATION - Government Degree Colleges -
Re-designation of Lecturers drawing UGC Scales as Asst. Professor /
Association Professors according to grade pay and eligibility in
Government Degree Colleges in the State - Permission - Accorded -
Orders - Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 30. Dated:20.12.2014.
Read the following:-
1) G.O.Ms.No.47, Higher Education (CE.I-1) Dept., Dt.14.5.2007.
2) G.O.Ms.No.14, Higher Education (UE.II) Dept., Dt.20.2.2010.
3) Orders of Hon'ble Tribunal in O A No.7781 of 2011, Dt.20.9.2011
4) From the CCE, AP, Hyd Lr.Rc.No.293/UGC-PF/2012, Dt.1.9.2012
5) From the General Secretary, GCGTA, repn. dt.3.10.2012.
6) Govt. Letter No.16143/CE.I-1/2011-04, Dt.26.11.2012.
7) Govt. Memo. No.16143/CE.I-1/2011-05, Dt.26.11.2012.
8) From the Secretary, APSCHE, Hyd Lr.No.APSCHE/UM-674/
CCE(TS)- Title of Designations/2014, DT.22.10.2014.
9) From the CCE, T.S. Hyd Lr.Rc.No.293/UGC-PF/2012,
10) From the Vice President, AIFUCTO, Letter No., dt.9.11.2014.
O R D E R:
In the G.O. 2nd read above, orders were issued implementation of
UGC revised Pay Scales, 2006 to the Teaching staff of Universities and
Colleges with effect from 01.01.2006 and in Appendix.II of the said G.O.,
it was mentioned that:-
(i) Persons entering the teaching profession in Universities and
colleges shall be designated as Assistant Professors and shall be
placed in the Pay Band of Rs.15,600 - 39,100 with AGP of
Rs.6,000. Lecturers already in service in the pre-revised scale of
Rs.8,000 - Rs.13,500, shall be re-designated as Assistant
Professors with the said AGP of Rs.6,000.
(ii) Incumbent Readers and Lecturers (Selection Grade) who have
completed 3 years of service in the current pay scale of Rs.12,000
- Rs.18,300 as on 1.1.2006 shall be placed in Pay Band of
Rs.37,400 - 67,000 with AGP of Rs.9,000 and shall be redesignated
as Associate Professor.
2. The Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State,
Hyderabad in her letter 9th read above has requested the Government to
issue necessary orders permitting the Commissioner of Collegiate
Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad to redesignate the Lecturers as
Assistant Professors, Associate Professors as the case in the following
manner and conditions:-
1) The Lecturers who are in the Pay Scale of (15600-39100) +
6000, 7000 & 8000 AGP) may be redesignated as Assistant
2) The Lecturers who are in the Pay Scale of (37400-67000 +9000
AGP) may be redesignated as Associate Professors.
(i) The Lecturer designated as Assistant Professors /
Associate Professors as above, shall continue to discharge their
normal duties as Lecturers and they can not claim any
seniority, workload, promotions or age of superannuation on
par with University Teachers merely because of redesignation.
For all service matters they continue to be governed by service
rules issued vide G.O.Ms.No.47, Higher Education (CE.I.1)
Dept., Dt.14.5.2007.
(ii) The fact that they have been redesignated as Assistant
Professors / Associate Professors also will not entitle them for
claiming any interse seniority or further promotion for the post
of Principal. They shall be promoted as Principal based on
their seniority and the service conditions as indicated in
G.O.Ms.No.47, Higher Education (CE.I.1) Dept., Dt.14.5.2007
3. After careful examination of the entire matter, keeping in view the
orders issued vide G.O.Ms.No.14, Higher Education (UE.II) Dept.,
Dt.20.2.2010, Government hereby accorded permission to the
Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad to
redesignate the Lecturers who are in the Pay Scale of (15600-39100) +
6000, 7000 & 8000 AGP) as Assistant Professors and the Lecturers who
are in the Pay Scale of (37400-67000 +9000 AGP) as Associate
Professors, subject to the following manner and conditions:-
(i) The Lecturer designated as Assistant Professors /
Associate Professors as above, shall continue to discharge their
normal duties as Lecturer and they can not claim any seniority,
workload, promotions or age of superannuation on par with
University Teachers merely because of redesignation. For all
service matters they continue to be governed by service rules
issued vide G.O.Ms.No.47, Higher Education (CE.I.1) Dept.,
(ii) The fact that they have been redesignated as Assistant
Professors / Associate Professors also will not entitle them for
claiming any interse seniority or further promotion for the post
of Principal. They shall be promoted as Principal based on
their seniority and the service conditions as indicated in
G.O.Ms.No.47, Higher Education (CE.I.1) Dept., Dt.14.5.2007
4. The Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State,
Hyderabad shall take necessary further action accordingly.
The Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad.
The Secretary, Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.
The Secretary, A.P. State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad.
The Secretary, Telangana Public Service Commission, Hyderabad.
The Secretary, A.P Public Service Commission, Hyderabad.
The Government Pleader for Higher Education, APAT, Hyderabad.
Copy to:
The Finance (EBS.IV) Dept.
The Finance (HRM.I) Dept.,
The General Administration (Ser.C) Department.
The P.S. to Hon'ble Minister (Education)
//Forwarded by Order//

24 November 2014

Where is Fitment ? AND When is Fitment ?

There is no considerable activity from GCGTA state body. Elections are over on 28 September 2014. almost 50 days are completed. there is no news about fitment. 

During elections all said Fitment is in last stage, Fitment is pending at Finance Dept. where is Fitment now ? . When we get fitment. Elected members might forget their Manifesto
On October 30,2014 i received a message about designation change within one or two days. almost 20 days is over there is no GO.

 Even those who lost election is not conducting meetings to pressurize elected body. They went to every college for Votes during elections. where are they now.

Many are bothered about Votes and Posts not for Problem and problem solving. All mistake lies with lecturers who voted not with who elected

Even contract lecturers are achieving their demands. we are fools to fail achieve our demand for a long time.

it is right time to conduct meeting to brief latest news of Fitment any other issue
Do we wait for 2016-18 elections solve our FITMENT issue

Where is FITMENT

There is no considerable activity from GCGTA state body. Elections are over on 28 September 2014. almost 50 days are completed. there is no news about fitment.
During elections all said Fitment is in last stage, Fitment is pending at Finance Dept. where is Fitment now ? . When we get fitment. Elected members might forget their Manifesto.
On October 30,2014 i received a message about designation change within one or two days. almost 20 days is over there is no GO.
Even those who lost election is not conducting meetings to pressurize elected body. They went to every college for Votes during elections. where are they now.
Many are bothered about Votes and Posts not for Problem and problem solving. All mistake lies with lecturers who voted not with who elected.
Even contract lecturers are achieving their demands. we are fools to fail achieve our demand for a long time.
it is right time to conduct meeting to brief latest news of Fitment any other issue.
Do we wait for 2016-18 elections solve our FITMENT issue