7 May 2013


Office of the
Commissioner of Collegiate Education,
Andhra Pradesh : Hyderabad.
Memo. No.573/Ser.II-3/2012 Dated: 06.05.2013.
Sub:- Collegiate Education – Lifting of ban on transfers from 25.04.2013 to 15.05.2013 – Certain guidelines – Issued.
Read:- 1. G.O.Rt.No.100, Finance (DCM-III) Department,
dated 22.04.2013.
2. G.O.Rt.No.327, Higher Education (TE.I) Department, dated 04.05.2013.
# # #
Copy of Government Order 2nd read above is communicated.
The Principals of Government Degree Colleges in the State are informed that Government have lifted ban on transfers from 25.04.2013 to 15.05.2013 subject to certain conditions vide reference 1st read above. In the reference 2nd read above, the Government have issued guidelines for effecting the transfers of staff working in Collegiate Education Department. The guidelines issued by Government on transfers and postings of Principals / Lecturers / Physical Directors / Librarians/ A.O.s are communicated as attachment for immediate necessary action.
The Principals of the Government Degree Colleges are requested to follow the instructions given below :
1) The candidates should submit their applications through online only. The online Form will be available in the CCE Website: www.apcce.gov.in from 06.05.2013.
2) The candidates should take a print out of the application form submitted on line and submit it to the concerned Principal in duplicate along with relevant documents on or before 07.05.2013 by 5.00 P.M.
3) The Principal shall verify and certify the applications submitted by the candidates and one (1) set of hard copy of the application form along with necessary documents should be sent to the Principals of Identified Government Degree Colleges on or before 08.05.2013 by 11.00 A.M. The second set of hard copy should be kept in the college for record.
4) The Principals of Identified Government Degree Colleges shall submit applications along with soft and hard copies to the C.C.E.’s office through Special Messenger by F.N. of 08.05.2013 without fail.
:: 2 ::
5) The date of Video Counseling will be intimated later along with necessary guidelines.
6) The Principals of Government Degree Colleges have also submit the information in the format of Annexure- I, II & III.
7) The candidates while filling the places of choices must keep in mind the as per point No.17 of guidelines issued in the reference 2nd read above.
The guidelines on transfers along with the vacancy position as furnished by the concerned Principals are also available on the Website www.apcce.gov.in.
Receipt of the mail shall promptly be confirmed by return mail.
The Principals of all the Government Degree Colleges in the State.
Copy to the Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education in the State with a request to monitor the Government Degree Colleges of their jurisdiction with regard to sending the information in the stipulated time.
Copy to Ser.I-A, Ser.III, Ser.IV Sections in this Office.
// True copy attested//
For Commissioner of Collegiate Education
Cir.No.573/Ser.II.2/2012 dated :06.05.2013
Sub:- Collegiate Education – Transfers and posting of employees for the year 2012-13 – Application format – Communicated.
Read:- 1. G.O.Rt.No.100, Finance (DCM-III) Department,
dated 22.04.2013.
2. G.O.Rt.No.327, Higher Education (TE.I) Department, dated 04.05.2013.
# # #
The Principals of Government Degree College are informed that Government have lifted ban on transfers for the year 2013-14 subject to certain conditions vide references read above. Detailed guidelines are given in the reference first to fourth read above. The application format for request transfers is enclosed as attachment–I. It is also available on the Web site www.apcce.gov.in. The Principals of the identified colleges are also requested to communicate the format to all the Government Colleges in the Districts.
The Principals of all the Government Degree Colleges are requested to circulate the format among all the Lecturers including Librarians, Physical Directors and A.O.s under acknowledgment. The Principals of the Government Degree Colleges shall send the filled in applications to the Principal of the identified college concerned on or before 08.05.2013 positively along with information in the proforma enclosed I, II & III. Applications received after the due date shall summarily be rejected.
The Principals of Identified Government Degree Colleges shall send all the applications received from the Colleges in the District to the C.C.E. A.P., Hyderabad by the forenoon of 08.05.2013 by special messenger without fail.
Receipt of the mail shall promptly be confirmed by return mail.
The Principals of all Government Degree Colleges in the State.
Copy to the Principals of all Identified Government Degree Colleges in the State
Copy to all the Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education/
// True copy attested//
For Commissioner of Collegiate Education
Name of the Applicant
Scale of Pay
HRA Category
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)
Age as on 24.04.2013
Date of Retirement
Gender (Male/Female)
Native Place and District
College in which the incument is working
Date of Joining in the present station (DD/MM/YY)
Total Service in the present station (DD/MM/YY)
Stay in the present station located in the following areas as on 24.04.2013:-
Hyderabad/Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Area as the case may be
01 point
District Head quarters and places having Municipal Corporations
03 point
All other places
05 point
Note:- in respect of Employees working on deputation including on OD basis, his/her stay shall be considered at the place of deputation and shall be awarded points with reference to the points allotted to the place of deputation
Reasons for request transfer:
If the applicant is un-married woman/Widow/ Divorce
(applicable only in case the applicant is woman)
10 points
If the reason for transfer is on Physical handicap grounds, furnish the following information
Nature of Handicap
What is the percentage of Handicap
40% - 60%
05 points
More than 60%
08 points
Note: Medical Certificate from the Govt. Doctor as mentioned in the guidelines at point No.7 (iv) has been enclosed.
If the reason for transfer is on Medical ground furnish the following information
05 points
Name of the Disease
Heart Operation
Bone T.B
Kidney Transplantation
Note: medical certificate from the Civil Surgeon as mentioned in the guideline at Point No.7 (iii) has been enclosed
Whether the dependent children who are mentally retarded & are under treatment
05 points
Applicants with dependent children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes and children suffering from Holes in the Heart by birth and are under medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking Transfers
05 points
Note: Latest Medical Certificate issued by the competent authority i.e., District Medical Board/ State Medical Board has been enclosed as per guidelines at point No. 7 (iv)
If the reason for transfer is employed spouse
10 points
Name of the Spouse
Office, Place and District where the spouse is working
Whether the services is of State/Central Govt. or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Govt. Aided Institution (pl. Specify)
Note: Service Certificate issued by the competent authority has been enclosed as per guidelines at point No. 7 (v)
Technical paper presented published in a reputed International/National level journals/ Conference from 01.07.2012 to 24.04.2013.
Max.10 points
Per each Technical paper at International Level
03 points
Per each Technical paper at National Level
02 points
Note: (proof for a,b,c to submitted with certification of Principals)
Additional Responsibilities held:
Max 10 points
Placement Officer/NAAC Coordinator
03 points
N.C.C. Officer
03 points
NSS Programme Officer
03 points
JKC Coordinator
03 points
Best Teacher Award received on 05.09.2012
05 points
Average pass percentage of in the concerned subject for 2011-12 and 2012-13 duly certified by the 1
0% to 40%
01 Point
41% to 60 %
03 points
61% and above
05 points
Total service rendered by the Applicant:
More than 50% of Service Rendered in Non Focal Area
05 points
Up to 50% of Service rendered in Non-Focal Area
No points
In case of Principals, the Institution activity report as assessed by the Commissioner of Collegiate Education will be taken into consideration
Max. 10 points
Whether availed long leave at present station:
Mention the leave duration: From to
Reasons for leave
Any Disciplinary Cases
If yes details of disciplinary case
Recommendations of Principal with special remarks
Place of posting requested for
College and Place
Whether clear vacancy (Yes/No)
I under take that information furnished above is correct. I am aware that I am liable for disciplinary/legal action if information provided is false.
Date: Signature of the Applicant
Certified that the above information furnished by the applicant in the application has been verified and found correct.
Date Signature of the Principal
(Name )
Recommendation of Princpial with specific remarks
Date Signature of the Principal
Information on the No. of regular Lecturers working and No. of Lecturers who applied for transfer
College: Location:
No. of regular Lecturers working in the College
Out of them how many have applied for transfer
Place: Signature of the Principal
Date: Stamp
Subject wise list of Lecturers working who have put in more than 5 years of service in the present station
Name of the Lecturer
Date of joining in the present station
Length of service in the present station
Place: Signature of the Principal
Date: Stamp

5 May 2013









GO NO. - 327

GO DATE - 04052013





4 May 2013


HIGHER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – Guidelines for transfer of employees in
Higher and Technical Education Department for the year 2013-14 – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Rt.No. 327. Dated: 04-05-2013.
Read the following:-
1.G.O.Ms.No.100, Finance (DCM-III) Deptt., Dt.22-04-2013.
2.From the CTE, Hyd., Lr.No.C2/7189/2013, Dt.30-04-2013.
3.From the CCE, Hyd., Lr.No.190/Ser.II-3/2012, Dt.29-04-2013.
O R D E R:
Government after careful examination of the matter and as per para 2 (ii) of the G.O. first read
above, hereby issue the guidelines for transfers of employees in Higher and Technical Education
Department for the year 2013-14 as appended to this order as annexure.
2. The Commissioner of Technical Education and the Commissioner of Collegiate Education,
A.P., Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly.
The Commissioner of Technical Education, A.P., Hyderabad.
The Commissioner of Collegiate Education, A.P., Hyderabad.
The Accountant General, A.P., Hyderabad.
The Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Hyderabad.
Copy to:
The Finance (DCM.III) Department.
The District Treasury Officer concerned.
The PS to Dy.C.M.
The P.S to Prl. Secretary to Govt., H.E Deptt.
//Forwarded: :By order//
ANNEXURE TO G.O.Rt.No. 327 , H.E (TE.I) Department, Dated:04 -05-2013.
1. Those who have put in more than 2 years of service in a particular station as on 24-
04-2013 shall be eligible to apply for transfer. Service rendered in all cadres at a
station will be counted while calculating period of the stay in the particular station.
2. The Commissioners of Technical Education and Collegiate Education will draw up a
Schedule for effecting transfers and complete the entire process on or before 15-05-
3. Those who are retiring on or before 15-05-2014 shall not be transferred unless there
is a request.
4. Those who have completed 5 years or above stay in a particular station as on 24-04-
2013 shall be transferred if there is any request for the said post or on administrative
5. Not more than 20% of the employees in any cadre will be transferred.
6. The Lecturers/ Senior Lecturers/ Head of Section in Government Polytechnics working
against the posts of Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer/ Head of Section irrespective of the
period of stay shall be transferred to the regular posts if there is request for the said
post from the same discipline.
7. Transfer will be affected based on the entitlement of total points scored by individual
applicants on the criteria as mentioned below. The highest scorer in the respective
subject and zone will be given the first choice and so on.
Criteria for entitlement of points:
a) Stay in the present station located in the following areas
as on 24-04-2013:-
i) Hyderabad / Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Area as the case may
be : 1 Point.
ii) District Head quarters and places having Municipal Corporations
: 3 Points
iii) All other places : 5 Points
Note: In respect of Employees working on deputation including on OD basis, his
stay shall be considered at the place of deputation and shall be awarded
points with reference to the points allotted to the place of deputation
b) Special Categories:
i) Single Woman : 10 Points
ii) Physically handicapped:
a) 40% - 60% : 5 points
b) More than 60% : 8 points
:: 2::
iii) The Employees/ dependents who are now suffering from the following diseases
and are required to visit the Hospital/ Doctor atleast once in a Fortnight as per the
Doctor’s prescription
: 5 points
(a) Cancer
(b) Heart Operation
(c) Neuro-Surgery
(d) Bone T.B.
(e) Kidney Transplantation
iv) (a) Applicants with dependant children who are mentally retarded and are under
treatment : 5 points
(b) Applicants with dependant children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes and children
suffering from Holes in the Heart by birth and are under medical Treatment available
only at specified places to which they are seeking Transfers : 5
Note: For this purpose, a copy of the latest certificate issued by the competent
authority i.e., District Medical Board/ State Medical Board may be enclosed for
(v) Spouse employment: 10 points.
Note: Employees whose spouses are working in State or Central Government or
Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution and opted for transfer
to the same place or a nearby place. The applicants seeking transfer under this
category shall produce a certificate issued by the Head of the Office where the
spouse is working in proof of the claim.
(c) Performance Parameters (applicable only for teaching staff):
i) Technical Paper Presented or Published in a reputed International/ National Level
Journals / Conference from 01-07-2012 to 24-04-2013.
MAX: 10 points
A. Per each Technical Paper at International Level: 3 Points
B. Per each Technical Paper at National Level : 2 Points
ii) Additional Responsibilities held: MAX: 10 points
A. Deputy Warden for Hostel : 3 Points
B. Placement Officer/ NAAC Co-ordinator : 3 Points
C. Students Advisor/Counsellor : 3 Points
D. NCC Officer : 3 Points
E. NSS Programme Officer : 3 Points
F. SDC/ JKC Coordinator : 3 Points
G. RYK In charge : 3 Points
iii) Best Teacher Award received on 5th September, 2012: 5 Points
:: 3 ::
(d) In case of Teaching Staff, following criteria will be followed for allotment of
points for the pass percentage of the students in March/April’2012 exams:-
(i) 0% to 40% : 1 point
(ii) 41% to 60% : 3 points
(iii) 61% and above : 5 points
Note: If a teacher is handling (2) or more Theory Subjects the average of all the subjects
taught shall be taken into account.
E) Total service rendered by the Applicant:
A) More than 50% of Service Rendered in Non Focal area : 5 Points
B) Up to 50% of Service rendered in Non focal area : No Points
F) In case of Principals, the Institution activity report as assessed by the Commissioner
of Technical Education/ Collegiate Education will be taken into consideration
: MAX 10 points
8. In case of Women Polytechnics/ Degree Colleges the order of preference for posting
on transfer shall be as follows (Teaching Staff only):
A. Women
B. Male above (50) years of age
9. The service rendered in Foreign Department/ Pursuing M.Tech/ Ph.D under QIP or
other Scheme like FIP shall be treated as Focal Place only. On repatriation/ Return, they
shall be posted to Non focal places only.
10. The provisions of G.O.Ms.No. 610 G.A.(SPF.A) Department dated 30-12-1985 shall
be strictly adhered to and the Ratios prescribed maintained.
11. The following lists shall be notified in the website of the Department concerned:-
(i) The list of names of the persons who applied for transfer with total of the
Entitlement points in descending order.
(ii) Subject, college and zone-wise clear vacancy position and the list of posts
where persons have been working for 5 years or more.
12. All the employees seeking Transfer shall indicate (3) places in the order of
preference when more than one employee opts for a particular place, Preference shall be
given to a person who has put in longest service in a particular station, subject to the
employee not having charges pending against him/her.
:: 4 ::
Note: Candidates have to keep in mind the focal and non focal places while exercising
the places of option.
13. Wherever a Woman employee working in other than Women Degree Colleges/
Women Polytechnic opts for a post in Women Degree Colleges/ Women Polytechnic, she
shall be posted by shifting a male person working against such post against the norms.
14. Counseling will be held on specified dates and the persons attending the Counseling
will not be entitled to any TA/DA. However it will be treated as “On Duty”. The Orders of
Transfers shall be given immediately at the end of Counseling for the cases where the
CTE/ CCE is the competent authority.
15. Lists of applicants will be arranged subject-wise and zone-wise in the descending
order of total points scored. Such lists shall be displayed on the notice board at the
counseling camp and the website. The applicants called in the order of merit shall choose
any of the vacant posts available at the point of time and exercise his/her option in
writing/ online. In case two or more applicants secure equal score, preference shall be
given to the employee who has put in longer Stay in the present station.
16. Video counseling may be held wherever deemed necessary by competent authority.
17. Transfers will be effected from focal to non-focal, non-focal to non-focal or from non-focal
to focal posts only, in no case, transfers will be from one focal post to another focal post.
Area Category Area Category of Post
I 30% HRA (under state pay scales
II 20% HRA Area Focal
III 14.5% HRA Area Non-Focal
IV 12.5% HRA Area Non-Focal
V 10% HRA Area Non-Focal
18. In case of autonomous Degree Colleges the transfers shall be affected as per the
recommendations of the Committee constituted vide G.O.Ms.No.42, Higher Education
(UE.I-1) Department, Dated: 04-06-2001.
19. The transfers effected shall be displayed on the Website after completion of
20. Those who are transferred shall be relieved from the present place of working
immediately on receipt of the transfer orders.
:: 5 ::
21. Under any circumstances the person will be deemed to have been relieved at the end
of 7 days of the receipt of the order. Any violation of this condition shall be viewed seriously
by the Government.
22. Those who are transferred on request shall not be entitled to any TA/ DA and joining
time since the transfers are at their request.
23. Anybody who has submitted false information and/ or certificates and also the officers,
who have countersigned such false information, are liable for disciplinary action, as well as
criminal action.
24. The transfer application form may be downloaded from the website www.dte.nic.in &
www.apcce.gov.in as the case may be.
//Forwarded: :By order//

25 April 2013


PUBLIC SERVICES – Transfers and postings of employees – Lifting of ban
on transfers –Instructions/guidelines - Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 100 Dated: 22.04.2013
Read the following:-
1) G.O.Ms.No.100, Fin (W&M) Dept, dt.01.05.2007.
2) G.O.Ms.No.143, Fin (W&M) Dept, dt.21.06.2007.
3) G.O.Ms.No.23, Fin (W&M) Dept, dt.23.01.2008.
4) G.O.Ms.No.143, Fin (W&M) Dept, dt.31.05.2008.
5) G.O.Ms.No.7, Fin (DCM-III) Dept, dt.24.01.2011.
6) G.O.Ms.No.146, Fin (DCM-III) Dept, dt.01.06.2012.
7) G.O.Ms.No.153, Fin (DCM-III) Dept, dt.12.06.2012.
8) G.O.Ms.No.169, Fin (DCM-III) Dept, dt.25.06.2012.
9) G.O.Ms.No.181, Fin (DCM-III) Dept, dt.10.07.2012.
* * *
Orders were issued in the G.O ninth cited imposing ban on all
transfers except in respect of certain cases referred therein.
2. The Government after careful consideration hereby relaxes the ban on
transfers subject to the following conditions.
i) The relaxation of ban is valid only for the period from 25th April,
2013 to 15th May, 2013.
ii) The relaxation of ban applies to School Education and Higher
Education Departments also and the detailed guidelines for transfer
of Teachers / Lecturers will be issued by the School Education /
Higher Education Departments separately. These guidelines should
be in consonance with the guidelines in this G.O.
iii) All the transfers have to be effected by the competent authorities as
per the existing orders on delegation subject to the existing
Government orders and conditions prescribed herein. The
competent authority shall submit the transfer proposals to the next
higher authority where transfers are on administrative grounds,
who will not approve the transfers unless absolutely necessary and
after recording reasons for accepting the proposals (such transfers
should also be within the ceiling prescribed herein).
iv) The competent authority as defined shall complete the transfers, as
per the dates indicated at para 2 (i) above. The Head of the
Department concerned is responsible for the implementation of the
transfer orders. In any case, the employee would be deemed to
have been relieved at the end of 7 days of the receipt of the transfer
order. Any violation of this condition shall be viewed seriously by
the Government.
v) All transfers other than the transfers for administrative reasons
shall be done by counseling. Counseling will be conducted by
asking all the employees seeking transfer will be asked for three
preferences and accommodating to the extent possible. When more
than one employee opts for a particular place, preference shall be
given to the employee who has put in longest service in a particular
station, subject to that the employee not having any charges
pending against him/her.
vi) The employees who are retiring before 15th May, 2014 shall not be
transferred. The standing instructions on the transfers of Office
Bearers of recognized employees unions as issued in Circular
Memo No.26135/Ser. Welfare/2002-1 of G.A. (Services)
Department, dt.19.6.2002 shall be followed scrupulously.
vii) No person shall be transferred before completion of two years of
service in a particular station as on 24th April, 2013 and no person
shall be retained beyond 5 years of service in a particular station.
However, not more than 20% of the employees in any cadre will
be transferred. This is to ensure that there is no dislocation of
work. Service in all cadres at a station will be counted while
calculating period of stay. While effecting the transfers, the
Competent authority shall give priority as given below, subject to
satisfaction of other condition specified in this G.O.
a. Long standing employee downwards.
b. Employee working in “hardship areas”.
c. Employees with outstanding record on request.
d. Employees with disabilities of 40% or more as certified by a
competent authority as per “Persons with Disabilities (P.W.D)
(Equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation)
Act, 1995.
e. Husband and Wife cases (Only one of the spouses shall be
shifted following the prescribed procedure).
f. Employees having mentally retarded children to a place where
medical facilities are available.
g. Cases of compassionate appointment.
h. Medical grounds for the diseases (either self or spouse or
dependent children and dependent parents) of Cancer, Heart
Operations, Neurosurgery, Bone TB, Kidney transplantation to
places where such facilities are available.
viii) If the employees who have put in more than 2 years of service,
constitute more than 20% of the total strength, the employees who
have put in longer service at a particular station shall be transferred
without exceeding the overall ceiling of 20%.
ix) The transfers shall be effected from focal to non-focal, non-focal to
non-focal or from non-focal to focal posts only. In no case,
persons shall be transferred from one focal post to another focal
post. The focal and non-focal post shall be as defined by the
department concerned.
x) The provisions of G.O.Ms.No.610, G.A.(SPF-A) Dept,
dt.30.12.1985 will be strictly adhered to and the ratios prescribed
xi) The existing instructions on posting of second level and higher
level Gazetted Officers to their native districts shall be followed.
xii) Employees shall invariably be transferred from their existing
location on promotion, unless no such posts exist at a different
xiii) All the transfers effected by following the procedure where
employees indicated preference for stations shall be treated as
request transfers for the purpose of sanction of T.T.A. and other
transfer benefits.
xiv) The competent authority shall be personally responsible for
compliance with the guidelines prescribed above and any deviation
from the guidelines herein shall be viewed seriously. The officer
immediately superior to competent authority shall ensure that all
the transfers are as per the existing government orders and are kept
at barest minimum.
xv) The transfer policy should be an effective tool in capacity building
with departmental employees getting a variety of experience within
the department, thus becoming more fit to hold higher
xvi) Transfers on compassionate and personal grounds have been
misused from time to time. Once transfers are effected, the Head of
the Department will verify the truthfulness of the grounds in a few
test cases and report to Government if necessary, to curb misuse.
xvii) No relaxation proposal will be entertained by any department for a
period of six months commencing from 16th May, 2013.
Thereafter, Secretaries will review department wise, quarterly, the
number of relaxations given within their departments and submit
the same to Chief Secretary / Chief Minister for information.
xviii) Station means place (City, Town, Village) of actual working for
the purpose of transfers and not office or institution.
3. It is also ordered that the revenue earning departments viz. 1)
Commercial Taxes Department, 2) Prohibition & Excise Department and 3)
Stamps & Registration Departments shall follow the separate guidelines
issued in the G.O second read above. The Transport Department and Forest
Department shall make the general transfers as per the guidelines issued in
G.O.Ms.No.147, TR&B (Ser.IV) Dept, dt.12.06.2007 and G.O.Ms.No.81,
EFS&T (For.V) Dept, dt.8.7.2008 respectively.
4. The ban on transfers will come into force with effect from 16th May,
2013 and necessary orders to that effect will be issued at appropriate time.
5. This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address
All Departments of Secretariat.
All Heads of Departments.
All District Collectors.
The Registrar, High Court of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
The Prl.Secretary, A.P.P.S.C., Hyderabad.
The Registrar, A.P. Administrative Tribunal, Hyderabad.
The Prl.Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad.
All District Treasury Officers.
All Officers/Sections in Finance Department.
Copy to SF/SCs
// Forwarded :: By order //

9 April 2013

State Executive Meeting

06-12-2011 General Secretary’s Report
Mr. President & Dear Members,
I have great pleasure in inviting you all to the 7th State Executive Meeting being held today. i.e., 06-12-2011 at Indira Priyadarshini Govt. Degree College, Hyderabad.

I take this opportunity to place before this August Body the achievements of the Association since we met last on 07-08-2011 at the 6th Executive Meeting. You are aware that we brought to the notice of the Govt. and the authorities concerned the problems of our cadre. Some of these are under active consideration of the Govt. Due to some unavoidable circumstances like Sakalajanula Samme and the delay in posting regular Commissioner for two months, we could not get the much expected favourable orders. We hope that we will succeed in our attempts to convince the Govt. and the authorities concerned. I place before you some of the achievements and also the issues to be taken up with the Govt.

1) 5 days C.L to Women Lecturers:- On our representation dt. 04/02/2011, the Govt. issued G.O.Ms.No. 129 dt. 25/10/2011 extending the benefit of availing five days extra casual leave to Women Lecturers on par with J.Ls and teachers in school education. I am happy that all our efforts have become fruitful with regard to this issue pending for more than a decade. The Director communicated the G.O. to the Principals for implementation with immediate effect. The same is kept on CCE Website.

2) FAC to seniormost Lecturer:- On our representation, the Director has decided to place the senior most Lecturer of the college concerned in full additional charge of the post of Principal by putting an end to the earlier practice of giving FAC to the Principal of neighbouring college. This process has already begun. We thank the Director in this regard.

3) Govt. Memo on representations on behalf of unrecognized service Associations:- In the recent past, some members of unrecognized service organization have set a bad precedent and represented to the Govt. on certain issues. This has led to some confusion among the officers in taking policy decisions. On our representation, the Govt. issued Memo No. 8876/CE-1-1/2011-1 dt. 23-11-2011 informing the Director not to entertain representations filed by the unrecognized service Associations in respect of policy matters etc except the two recognized Associations i.e., the GCGTA and the GCTA. I appeal to the District Bodies as well as all members to convince the stray members who have some misconception about the efforts of the Association. Let us not allow people with vested interests to mislead the cadre. The State Body welcomes suggestions from all members in all aspects and believes in democratic values of transparency, open debate and collective decision

4) Award of CAS by the APPSC:- On our representation, the APPSC issued notification for the award of CAS for teachers under RPS1996. Teachers eligible for CAS promotion prior to the issue of new UGC regulations i.e., 30-06-2010. applied and are awaiting favourable orders. The process has been delayed due to various reasons, one of them being the on-going interviews, for candidates under direct recruitment. We met the Secretary, APPSC and requested her to expedite the process. We hope to get the orders soon.

5) Enhancement of the age of superannuation:- On the representation of GCGTA and other organizations, the Govt. issued G.O. Rt. NO. 327 Higher Education (UE-II) Department dated 21-05-2011 constituting a committee to examine the issue of enhancement of the age of superannuation of teachers working in Govt. Degree and Aided Colleges. The committee met on 03-10-2011 wherein it was decided to obtain information from colleges about teachers retired / retiring / likely to retire and also teachers drawing state pay scales.

The Secretary, APSCHE, in his letter No. APSCHE/UM-777/UGCRPS-Superannuation/Univ/2011 dt 18-10-2011 asked the CCE to furnish the required information in the prescribed proforma. After obtaining the required information, the committee will meet again and discuss the issue.

6) Sanction of Lecturer Posts in 65 New Govt. Colleges:- On various occasions, we represented to the Govt. to sanction posts of Lecturers in 65 new G.D.Cs. started during 2009-2010. At present, 607 posts have been approved by the Cabinet and the remaining 1/3 posts will be sanctioned next year. We are thankful to the Govt. and trust that this will strengthen academic activities in these colleges.

7) Amendment to G.O.Ms. 14 (Para 7 of Sub Para 5):- This has been one of the burning problems and we have been representing to the Govt. ever since we assumed charge as office bearers. The AP State Council of Higher Education, in the Letter dt. 15/10/2010 recommended favourably to the Govt. The CCE in his letter dt. 18/07/2011 recommended that amendment needs to be done. APSCHE, in the letter dt 27-08-2011 again stated that amendment to the above para in the G.O. is a must to release new fitment formula. But the Govt. is yet to take a decision. In the letter dt. 02/11/2011APSCHE once again made it clear that the above para is to be amended.
We met the Prl. Secy (H.E.) on 27/08/2011 and discussed with him the issue. He conducted a meeting on 06-09-2011 with CCE officials and APSCHE and sought further information from them with regard to reimbursement from the central Govt. The matter could not be pursued as the Prl. Secy (HE) was away for five weeks on training work and the FAC Prl. Secy did not clear the files involving policy matters. The State Body met the Hon’ble Dy.CM on 22-11-2011 and submitted a memorandum on the following issues.
1. Amendment to para 7 of G.O.Ms. No.14
2. New fitment formula for conversion from state scales to UGC pay scales
3. Extension of G.O.Ms. No. 10 to Librarians /P.Ds
4. One time opportunity to Lecturers to opt for UGC pay scales.
In response to our representation, the Prl. Secy (HE) convened a meeting with Chairman, APSCHE and the DCE on 25/11/2011. It was decided to refer the above issues to the committee constituted as per G.O.Ms. No. 106 (HE) (UE-II) Dept. dt 01/08/2009 to work out modalities of the scheme of UGCRPS 2006 and details of additional commitment. The Prl. Secy (HE) has assured that the above said issues will be finalized favourably within a month.

8) Launching of website:- As per the assurance given in the first executive meeting, we have recently launched our Website: www.gcgta.org.in for the benefit of Lecturers and students. The Director of Collegiate Education Smt. K.Suneetha, I.A.S. was kind enough to launch the website on 03/11/2011 in the committee hall of the Directorate. She advised us to update our knowledge and make the website accessible to the student community by establishing a link among the teaching community, the student community and the Directorate. I request all the members to give their valuable suggestions to update the website.
After the website launching programme was over, we met the Director and discussed at length various issues of our Association. She assured us that she would look into our problems to find favourable solution.

9) Promotion to Lecturers as Principals:- We requested the Director to effect promotions as Principals as early as possible. We also requested the Director to consider the issue of reducing the minimum eligibility period of 15 years as Lecturer to 10 years for the post of Principal.

10) AIFUCTO conference at Kanyakumari:- At the AIFUCTO conference held at Kanyakumari from 20-10-2011 to 22-10-2011 Sri.Ashok Burman was reelected as General Secretary of the AIFUCTO. The President, the General Secretary, the Associate President and the Finance Secretary attended the conference. It was resolved to bring pressure on the Govt. of India to release the arrears at the earliest and also to extend / exempt Lecturers from participating in O.Cs /R.Cs for one more year.
I request all the District presidents, District Secretaries and the unit office bearers to evince interest and collect necessary information in the prescribed proforma with regard to one time opportunity to opt for UGC pay scales, new fitment formula for conversion from State Scales to UGC Scales, absorption of personal pay over and above the maximum of the scale and reckoning of total service rendered in state scales in Degree Colleges. (G.O.Ms. No.24). The above information may be submitted immediately to the Directorate duly marking a copy to the General Secretary for pursuing the matter with the Govt.
Before I conclude, I wish to reiterate that the State Body has been relentlessly striving its best to get favourable orders from the Govt. in respect of our demands. It is my strong conviction that all these activities are being pursued with your active cooperation. I appeal to all the members to give valuable suggestions and strengthen the Association by extending their full cooperation in all our future endeavors.
Ever at your service,
General Secretary
State Executive Meeting

06-12-2011 General Secretary’s Report
Mr. President & Dear Members,
I have great pleasure in inviting you all to the 7th State Executive Meeting being held today. i.e., 06-12-2011 at Indira Priyadarshini Govt. Degree College, Hyderabad.

I take this opportunity to place before this August Body the achievements of the Association since we met last on 07-08-2011 at the 6th Executive Meeting. You are aware that we brought to the notice of the Govt. and the authorities concerned the problems of our cadre. Some of these are under active consideration of the Govt. Due to some unavoidable circumstances like Sakalajanula Samme and the delay in posting regular Commissioner for two months, we could not get the much expected favourable orders. We hope that we will succeed in our attempts to convince the Govt. and the authorities concerned. I place before you some of the achievements and also the issues to be taken up with the Govt.

1) 5 days C.L to Women Lecturers:- On our representation dt. 04/02/2011, the Govt. issued G.O.Ms.No. 129 dt. 25/10/2011 extending the benefit of availing five days extra casual leave to Women Lecturers on par with J.Ls and teachers in school education. I am happy that all our efforts have become fruitful with regard to this issue pending for more than a decade. The Director communicated the G.O. to the Principals for implementation with immediate effect. The same is kept on CCE Website.

2) FAC to seniormost Lecturer:- On our representation, the Director has decided to place the senior most Lecturer of the college concerned in full additional charge of the post of Principal by putting an end to the earlier practice of giving FAC to the Principal of neighbouring college. This process has already begun. We thank the Director in this regard.

3) Govt. Memo on representations on behalf of unrecognized service Associations:- In the recent past, some members of unrecognized service organization have set a bad precedent and represented to the Govt. on certain issues. This has led to some confusion among the officers in taking policy decisions. On our representation, the Govt. issued Memo No. 8876/CE-1-1/2011-1 dt. 23-11-2011 informing the Director not to entertain representations filed by the unrecognized service Associations in respect of policy matters etc except the two recognized Associations i.e., the GCGTA and the GCTA. I appeal to the District Bodies as well as all members to convince the stray members who have some misconception about the efforts of the Association. Let us not allow people with vested interests to mislead the cadre. The State Body welcomes suggestions from all members in all aspects and believes in democratic values of transparency, open debate and collective decision

4) Award of CAS by the APPSC:- On our representation, the APPSC issued notification for the award of CAS for teachers under RPS1996. Teachers eligible for CAS promotion prior to the issue of new UGC regulations i.e., 30-06-2010. applied and are awaiting favourable orders. The process has been delayed due to various reasons, one of them being the on-going interviews, for candidates under direct recruitment. We met the Secretary, APPSC and requested her to expedite the process. We hope to get the orders soon.

5) Enhancement of the age of superannuation:- On the representation of GCGTA and other organizations, the Govt. issued G.O. Rt. NO. 327 Higher Education (UE-II) Department dated 21-05-2011 constituting a committee to examine the issue of enhancement of the age of superannuation of teachers working in Govt. Degree and Aided Colleges. The committee met on 03-10-2011 wherein it was decided to obtain information from colleges about teachers retired / retiring / likely to retire and also teachers drawing state pay scales.

The Secretary, APSCHE, in his letter No. APSCHE/UM-777/UGCRPS-Superannuation/Univ/2011 dt 18-10-2011 asked the CCE to furnish the required information in the prescribed proforma. After obtaining the required information, the committee will meet again and discuss the issue.

6) Sanction of Lecturer Posts in 65 New Govt. Colleges:- On various occasions, we represented to the Govt. to sanction posts of Lecturers in 65 new G.D.Cs. started during 2009-2010. At present, 607 posts have been approved by the Cabinet and the remaining 1/3 posts will be sanctioned next year. We are thankful to the Govt. and trust that this will strengthen academic activities in these colleges.

7) Amendment to G.O.Ms. 14 (Para 7 of Sub Para 5):- This has been one of the burning problems and we have been representing to the Govt. ever since we assumed charge as office bearers. The AP State Council of Higher Education, in the Letter dt. 15/10/2010 recommended favourably to the Govt. The CCE in his letter dt. 18/07/2011 recommended that amendment needs to be done. APSCHE, in the letter dt 27-08-2011 again stated that amendment to the above para in the G.O. is a must to release new fitment formula. But the Govt. is yet to take a decision. In the letter dt. 02/11/2011APSCHE once again made it clear that the above para is to be amended.
We met the Prl. Secy (H.E.) on 27/08/2011 and discussed with him the issue. He conducted a meeting on 06-09-2011 with CCE officials and APSCHE and sought further information from them with regard to reimbursement from the central Govt. The matter could not be pursued as the Prl. Secy (HE) was away for five weeks on training work and the FAC Prl. Secy did not clear the files involving policy matters. The State Body met the Hon’ble Dy.CM on 22-11-2011 and submitted a memorandum on the following issues.
1. Amendment to para 7 of G.O.Ms. No.14
2. New fitment formula for conversion from state scales to UGC pay scales
3. Extension of G.O.Ms. No. 10 to Librarians /P.Ds
4. One time opportunity to Lecturers to opt for UGC pay scales.
In response to our representation, the Prl. Secy (HE) convened a meeting with Chairman, APSCHE and the DCE on 25/11/2011. It was decided to refer the above issues to the committee constituted as per G.O.Ms. No. 106 (HE) (UE-II) Dept. dt 01/08/2009 to work out modalities of the scheme of UGCRPS 2006 and details of additional commitment. The Prl. Secy (HE) has assured that the above said issues will be finalized favourably within a month.

8) Launching of website:- As per the assurance given in the first executive meeting, we have recently launched our Website: www.gcgta.org.in for the benefit of Lecturers and students. The Director of Collegiate Education Smt. K.Suneetha, I.A.S. was kind enough to launch the website on 03/11/2011 in the committee hall of the Directorate. She advised us to update our knowledge and make the website accessible to the student community by establishing a link among the teaching community, the student community and the Directorate. I request all the members to give their valuable suggestions to update the website.
After the website launching programme was over, we met the Director and discussed at length various issues of our Association. She assured us that she would look into our problems to find favourable solution.

9) Promotion to Lecturers as Principals:- We requested the Director to effect promotions as Principals as early as possible. We also requested the Director to consider the issue of reducing the minimum eligibility period of 15 years as Lecturer to 10 years for the post of Principal.

10) AIFUCTO conference at Kanyakumari:- At the AIFUCTO conference held at Kanyakumari from 20-10-2011 to 22-10-2011 Sri.Ashok Burman was reelected as General Secretary of the AIFUCTO. The President, the General Secretary, the Associate President and the Finance Secretary attended the conference. It was resolved to bring pressure on the Govt. of India to release the arrears at the earliest and also to extend / exempt Lecturers from participating in O.Cs /R.Cs for one more year.
I request all the District presidents, District Secretaries and the unit office bearers to evince interest and collect necessary information in the prescribed proforma with regard to one time opportunity to opt for UGC pay scales, new fitment formula for conversion from State Scales to UGC Scales, absorption of personal pay over and above the maximum of the scale and reckoning of total service rendered in state scales in Degree Colleges. (G.O.Ms. No.24). The above information may be submitted immediately to the Directorate duly marking a copy to the General Secretary for pursuing the matter with the Govt.
Before I conclude, I wish to reiterate that the State Body has been relentlessly striving its best to get favourable orders from the Govt. in respect of our demands. It is my strong conviction that all these activities are being pursued with your active cooperation. I appeal to all the members to give valuable suggestions and strengthen the Association by extending their full cooperation in all our future endeavors.
Ever at your service,
General Secretary